NiMH Stats - 2019

AA Batteries General Use High Capacity Frequent Cycling
Capacity [mAh] 1886 2274 1026
Cycle Life 231 128 605
AAA Batteries General Use High Capacity Frequent Cycling
Capacity [mAh] 719 879 534
Cycle Life 232 147 762

Since March 2016 I tested a total of 73 pairs of AA and 51 pairs of AAA cells.

2019 was boring, the capacity of the cells stagnated. The only noteworthy finding was the frequent cycling FDK HR-AAULT for its amazing cycle count. It passed 1000 cycles and is still going strong. Let’s see how far it gets.

In 2019 I changed the way I calculate the Cycles in the Score = Capacity * Cycles / 1000 formula. The Cycles used to be the cycles till 80%, but now it is the average of cycles till 80% and cycles till 100mOhm (200mOhm for AAA). I did this to lower the score of the cells with quickly rising internal resistance. The Capacity is still the average capacity till 80%.

I am making the data of my measurements available for those who want to do their own analysis. Replace the trailing “/” in the cell’s URL with “.csv” and download the raw data. This way you can create your own analysis and graphs. Please share any interesting findings :-)

Let’s hope 2020 will bring us some surprises and improvements in the field of NiMH batteries.

AA Cycler